Artists >> Glazier Laurence

I took private lessons in composition from Chris Sansom. Later I studied for the Diploma in Harmony and Counterpoint at the City Lit, where I met the lecturer Alan Parsons with whom I undertook many years of private study.

I sometimes use my Golden Spiral Method of composition. Click here for notes on the method (the examples pertain to Verses from Blake). The method was also used for the outer movements of the Guitar Suite, and both movements of A Prelude to Invention.

Listen to examples of my music at

Click here for video interview.

Some say new music is atonal, or electronic. But the former is a hundred years old, and the latter fifty. I say, forget the classifications of new or old. The destiny of all modern art is to become the art noveau of the future. My music is mostly figurative, in that it is as accurate a rendition of inspiration as possible within a supporting structure.

"Where words end, music begins"

- Goethe

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Glazier Laurence
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